Expect crashes, and give us crash and bug reports if possible.
Video device capture is in for mac (all hail palana), but because of lack of scene editing, you can’t really put it in to a corner of your stream at the moment - It’s still very unstable.Custom x264 settings entry has not yet been implemented.Bitmap sources are not yet implemented, also next up on the agenda as it’s also pretty important.IMPORTANT: Scene editing is not yet implemented, it’s next up on the agenda.Linux is a different matter entirely due to package management, and it’s too early to make a real ‘release’ for linux, despite the fact that it’s about in the same state. I’m not currently releasing the windows version of the rewrite because there are too many important features lacking for it to really be usable, like game capture and video device capture, which I’m going to be rewriting from the bottom up as well (and they of all things need it especially). I may contribute the majority of the code, but the fact is without everyone who’s been involved, this really wouldn’t have been possible. I’ve learned so much, and it’s been an honor meeting some amazing programmers and becoming a part of such an awesome community. Rewriting something so large from scratch is dangerous and incredibly ambitious, but we have been successful and have pulled through the worst of the worst to get to this point, it’s absolutely been worth it.
Eventually, this new code will get all the vital features filled in for each operating system, and will even replace the current windows version. I know it’s still may not seem like much right now, but please bear with us and follow our progress as the new multiplatform version matures. It still doesn’t do much, but you can at least stream your desktop efficiently. This is a super early work-in-progress build for people who have been constantly asking. Apparently there aren’t many good streaming solutions on mac, so I figured I may as well release a build if people just want to at least stream/record their screens or webcams (and possible even some capture devices, not sure about how supported each one is yet though).

Okay, so mac users are constantly asking for a way to stream. New version available: OBS Mac 0.2.4 (work-in-progress build)